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  • Writer's pictureAnnie Ianko

The Iris Predictions: How To Tell Your Stories in 2021

With the New Year, a few new challenges are coming, and one of those challenges is how to improve your storytelling content. It’s an important part of any successful content marketing strategy because it engages with a wider audience. Storytelling also promotes a product or a service in a not-so-obvious-way, and it presents a certain narrative that is positive for your brand.

Because it’s an important part of any marketing strategy, we did some research and found a few very impactful things you can do to improve your brand awareness through storytelling content in 2021.

Customer Experience Stories

Stories that come directly from customers are very authentic, which is great because the audience wants authenticity. It builds trust and increases the chances of a website visitor, becoming a customer. One of the ways you can use this to your advantage is to ask your long-term satisfied customers to write a compelling story that you’ll feature on your site. This way, you get free content that is authentic and will intrigue people, and they get featured on the website of their favorite brand. It’s one of the ways that should be very successful for storytelling in 2021 as more and more people crave authenticity on the internet.

Video Storytelling

Using videos to tell your story will definitely be one of the most impactful ways to share a story in 2021. It’s probably the most impactful because it hit a few sweet spots when it comes to marketing and storytelling, including visual aids, voice, and a face to your brand. Younger generations prefer video content instead of traditional written content because it’s easier to pay attention to. It’s also much easier for videos to go viral when shared on social media than it is for blogs or articles. Video storytelling will definitely rise in popularity even more in 2021, so you should hop on the hype train and use the benefits.

Influencer Storytelling

Hiring an influencer to promote your brand is a relatively new concept that has been around for a few years. In 2021 we expect that more and more brands will do this type of marketing. The thing that we think will be much better is to give creative freedom to the influencer to promote your product in their own unique way. After all, they built up their audience by being themselves and behaving in a certain way so that’s what their followers will want to see. Instead of controlling the way your influencer advertises your product, give them more freedom to create their own story and tell it through pictures or videos. This way the entire marketing process is much more authentic and people will appreciate that.

Podcast Storytelling

Podcasts are constantly growing in popularity. People turn to podcasts more and more as a source of information. They are becoming so popular because they can be listened to while doing other stuff and executing other tasks. They don’t take away a lot of your attention and they are fun, informative, and interesting. Storytelling using podcasts is also expected to be an awesome way you can tell your story. Create a podcast for your brand and entertain your audience regularly by sharing your stories, thoughts, and opinions about the business you run and the products you sell.

Hire Professional PR Team

PR teams are a good investment if you have the money to spare. People who work in these teams have a lot of experience creating narratives because most of them are or were journalists with years of experience. Professional PR teams also constantly follow the latest trends of storytelling so they know what they are doing and they will elevate your business for sure. This is the perfect way to go if you want to focus your efforts on other parts of your business and have someone else worry about how your brand is telling stories to your customers.

Visual Data Representation (Sparkline)

Another storytelling method that should become much more popular in 2021 is sparklines. They are visual representations of data that can help explain how a certain brand can help an individual achieve their goals from where they are right now. Countdowns on websites are the perfect examples of this. If you have a special promotion and you announce it just by adding plain text to it without any visual effects it won’t catch a lot of attention but if you put a timer that will have appealing visual effects and change every second counting down till your promotion ends, it will surely have more engagement.

Wrapping Things Up

Storytelling content is an important part of any content marketing strategy and every single business owner should implement it in his plan. There are many things you can do to create compelling storytelling content but the ones we found to be most impactful are listed above. Putting some time and effort into properly setting up your storytelling content strategy will help you elevate your business in 2021 and starting as soon as possible will ensure that you’re ahead of your competition.

Ultimately if you want to focus your energy and effort in a different direction but still want to have compelling storytelling content you can hire a professional PR team that can take care of this part of your business and make sure that you’re not falling behind in this regard.

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